Growing up, I never quite understood the purpose of Abstract art. It didn’t make sense to me. I truthfully was all about realism and making sure I captured everything I saw perfectly. It was in my mid-thirties when I realized why realism captivated me so. It all boiled down to control.
Painting with precision forced me to stay within the lines. I had clear boundaries set out for me and for my viewers. For me, it was a safe exploration into the art world. Safety was something I relished and detested at the same time; a constant battle within me, which I still struggle with today.
It was during one of my university classes that I discovered what Abstract Art was all about. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. When I paint abstracts it allows me to not focus on what I see, but how I feel and the energy that comes with that. For a short period of time, I get to let go of my need for control, take risks, and lose myself in the piece that I’m creating. I surrender to my brushes, paints, and canvas and let the journey begin. There is truly nothing else that gives me greater self-awareness then when I’m creating art.
I hope that my art takes you on a journey too.